Pineapple-Mint Water with Ginger

Water is essential for our bodies, great for our skin, and should be our #1 go-to beverage choice.  But sometimes plain water is just a tad…well, plain.  Normally, I add citrus to my water, which satisfies my tastes.  This recipe goes beyond simple citrus, however, and becomes a tropical fiesta, infusing plain-Jane water with the sweetness of pineapple, freshness of mint, and slight zing of ginger.  The best thing is, when you finish your glass of water there’s have a pineapple snack waiting for you!

You can easily adjust this recipe to fit your needs.  I had this recipe in the fridge for two days after it had steeped, and it tasted fantastic the whole time.  Although the pineapple wasn’t as sweet as it was before soaking in the water, it was still tasty enough to eat. 

Recipe for Pineapple-Mint Water with Ginger

makes about 3 cups

1 cup fresh pineapple, cut into chunks or slices

small handful fresh mint leaves (about ¼ loose cup)

1 inch fresh ginger, peeled and thinly sliced, or cut into small pieces

filtered water

You’ll also need:

a mason jar or glass carafe with a 3½ cup capacity

Add pineapple, mint, and ginger to jar or carafe.  Fill with filtered water.  Let steep in the refrigerator overnight or 8-12 hours.  To serve, stir mixture and strain water into glass.  Add portion of pineapple/mint/ginger if desired.

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