Bringing Your Dreams to Light and Life

One of my Big Dreams came true. I'm a published author.  Although I "knew" this day would come, it didn't unfold as I'd imagined. Have you ever wished and hoped for something, and then had the courage to start taking action on it, and then failed a few (or many) times, and worked on getting … Continue reading Bringing Your Dreams to Light and Life

4 Wintertime Tips for a Healthy, Holistic Kitchen

Just as our wardrobes change as we transition into winter, so should our homes.  One of the most important places to make a few tweaks is in the kitchen.  I asked natural foods chef, Andrea Beaman, and organic recipe queen, Carrie Vitt, for their top wintertime tips for creating a healthy, holistic kitchen. [Note: The … Continue reading 4 Wintertime Tips for a Healthy, Holistic Kitchen

Why we could all use a little Dr. Seuss in our lives

[tweetmeme] Oh, Dr. Seuss, may I gush praise bombastical? For your stories are magical, creative, fantastical.  You're a master of words that are funny and silly-- some decidedly fake like that Milli Vanilli.  Your characters are wise with the plans they devise, and they grow from life lessons right in front of our eyes.  Oh, … Continue reading Why we could all use a little Dr. Seuss in our lives