Why Organic Produce IS Worth It

I don't often write opinion pieces like this, but the recent debate over whether organic produce is any better than conventional has compelled me to speak up.  In a September 4th news post, researchers from Stanford University were reported as saying: Eating organic fruits and vegetables can lower exposure to pesticides, including for children -- … Continue reading Why Organic Produce IS Worth It

Fabulous Finds from the Coffee and Tea Festival

I recently attended the 6th Annual Coffee & Tea Festival--how did I miss the past five?--and I'm so excited to share the fruits of my diligent foraging, sipping, and sampling!  A $10 ticket I found on ScoopSt. bought me the opportunity to check out and take home goodies from over thirty companies.  Although I came … Continue reading Fabulous Finds from the Coffee and Tea Festival

Avoiding the Holiday Party Bulge

Between office functions, family gatherings, and friends' parties, your December calendar is crammed with opportunities for reveling in holiday spirit, as well as packing on a pound or two or three or.... But it doesn't have to be that way!  Here are some tips to keep you looking and feeling great while enjoying the spirit … Continue reading Avoiding the Holiday Party Bulge