Achieving Health and Wellness Resolutions, Step 2: Choose Better Behaviors

Once you've been choosing better food (Step #1) on a regular basis, choosing better behaviors comes more naturally.  You'll find you want to choose actions that support health and wellness because the food you're eating is already doing so.  You're seeing the difference in how your body feels, performs, and looks.  You're feeling the difference … Continue reading Achieving Health and Wellness Resolutions, Step 2: Choose Better Behaviors

3 Simple Steps to Achieving Health and Wellness Resolutions

It's the first week of January.  A brand new year.  You've got your resolutions in hand, or on your mind, and you promise yourself this is the year you're actually going to achieve all of them!  Are you?  I'm not trying to be rude, just practical.  It's common for people to be excited about their … Continue reading 3 Simple Steps to Achieving Health and Wellness Resolutions

Little Words Can Have a Giant Impact

One weekend during my middle school years, I invited a few of my girlfriends over for a pool party.  During the festivities, my mother noticed one of my friends appeared to be upset.  When Mom asked her what was wrong, she said she hated her big nose.  My mother told her she had a beautiful … Continue reading Little Words Can Have a Giant Impact

A Magical Weekend

On July 3oth, I traveled to Brown University, in Providence, Rhode Island, to attend the 34th Annual Summer Writing Conference of The International Women's Writing Guild.  The lovely IWWG founder, Hannelore Hahn, was a guest speaker at one of our local writing meetups a few months ago.  After hearing her speak and mentioning the purpose … Continue reading A Magical Weekend